Freedom of information publication scheme

A publication scheme sets out the kinds of information that a public authority should make routinely available.

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Public Authorities must produce a publication scheme.

A publication scheme sets out the kinds of information that a public authority should make routinely available.

The information should be easy for the authority and any individuals to find and to use and is a scheme which will be updated regularly as new documents become available. 

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has developed a Model Publication Scheme which broadly classifies information at a high level and states what information can be routinely provided.

These classes of information are:

  • What we do and how we do it
  • What we spend and how we spend it
  • What our priorities are and how we are doing
  • How we make decisions
  • Our policies and procedures
  • Lists and registers
  • The services we offer

Services Provided by the Council

These seven classes of information are described further in our publication guidance document which details the information that we have made routinely available.

A large amount of this information is available on our website and the quick links or document files can be found within the guidance document. 

The majority of this information is free of charge. Where a charge is to be made, t​his is detailed in the guide or on the website link.

If you cannot find the information you are looking for on the publication scheme or by searching on our website please telephone our contact centre on (01642) 774 774 for assistance.​

You can find the information for each of the seven classes at the bottom of the page.

Data Sets

From 1 September 2013 the Council is also required to publish any​ datasets that have been requested, together with any updated versions, unless it is not appropriate to do so.

A dataset is a collection of information in electronic format which is made up of basic facts relating to Council functions and services, which has not been materially altered since it was recorded.

All published datasets can be found in our publication scheme guidance document. 

The Penalty Charged Notices published data can be viewed below:

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.

Unless otherwise stated, all datasets published by the council can be reused with no charge in accordance with the terms of the Open Government Licence.

All data used should be attributed to Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council.

FOI Publication Scheme

Who we are and what we do

Constitution The full version of the Council's Constitution  
Democratic structure Democratic Structure of the Council - who your councillors are and who sits on the Cabinet  
Organisational structure Organisational structures for each directorate across the authority with detailed names and salaries of managers earning £58,200 or above. Job Descriptions and Person Specifications for any specified job role are available upon request.
Gender Pay Gap Public Sector organisations employing 250 people or more must publish information about their gender pay gap.  
Current councillors Full list of Councillors showing membership of committees and groups. Further details of political composition of the authority and ward surgery information with access to members allowance scheme and structure.  
Cabinet Members Full list of the Councillors who sit on the Cabinet.  
Contact details for council services Full details of how to contact the council, council building locations, telephone numbers and email addresses.  
The Mayor of Redcar & Cleveland Information about the Ceremonial Mayor and Mayoral events  
Election results Details of forthcoming elections and results of past elections  
Previous election results Past election results history  
Partner organisations and outside bodies Information about current councillors and outside bodies   
Local statistics Statistical Information about the Borough  
Family Hubs Information about our family hubs and the services they offer local families.  
Youth Service Details and locations of youth and community centres  
Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board The Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board is a statutory body working acroos the four local boroughs to effectively prevent and respond to adult abuse.  
South Tees Safeguarding Children Partnership South Tees Safeguarding Children Partnership (STSCP) is a multi-agency partnership between Middlesbrough Council, Redcar & Cleveland Council, Tees Valley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), and Cleveland Police. It aims to support and enable local organisations and agencies to work together in a system which places the child at the heart of the process, with a key focus on both improving practice, and enhancing outcomes for children and their families.  
Special Education Needs Service SEN Teesside - Parent Partnership Service  
Parish Councils The full details of each of the 5 parishes within the authority boundary.  

What we spend and how we spend it

Statement of Accounts Statement of Accounts which includes Budgets, Financial Statements and Variance  
The Council's Budget    
Corporate Plan Our Flourishing Future  
£500 list All Invoices where expenditure more than £500  
Capital Programme Contained within cabinet reports  
Annual Governance Statement Link to Annual Governance Statements  
Asset Management The Council's Asset Management Plan is contained within cabinet reports  
Council's Members' Allowance Scheme The Council's Members' Allowances Scheme is set out in part 6 of the Council's Constitution  
Councillors' Declaration of Interests Found in Council documents - Members declaration of interests  
Councillor's allowances Access to the document showing the allowances claimed by members in the current and preceding year  
Staff allowances and expenses Details of the allowances and expenses which staff are eligible to claim. Individual allowances and expenses for travel, subsistence and accommodation paid to the Executive Management Team for a specific period are available upon request.  
Pay and grading structure The Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council salary structure and allowable expenses (for staff)   
Election expenses Election Information in general 2015 Redcar Constituency £84,051.53
2015 Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland Constituency - £80,154.82
2016 Police and Crime Commissioner Election - £158,528.71
2016 EU Referendum - £187,049.91
2017 Tees Valley Mayoral Election - £154,492
2017 Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland Constituency - £121,094.22 for whole constituency
2019 European Parliamentary Election - £179,605.17
2019 UK Parliamentary General Election - tbc
2021 Tees Valley Combined Authority Mayoral Election - £192,375.90
2021 Police and Crime Commissioner Election - tbc
Procurement Information Introduction to Council Procurement - How to do business with us, Contract opportunities, NEPO  
District auditors' report Contained with the Governance Committee Papers each September  
Internal financial regulations Contained within the Council Constitution  
Funding for partnership arrangements- River Tees Port Health Authority  River Tees Port Health Authority Annual Governance Statement  
Details of grants to the voluntary community and social enterprise sector Copy of grants to the voluntary community and social enterprise sector  
Trade Union Facility Time Information required to be published under The Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017  
Authority Monitoring Report 2013/14-2021/2022  

What are our priorities and how we are doing

Our Forward Plan - Corporate Plan Our Plan sets out the major activities of the Council in the coming months to help improve the lives of our citizens and communities & includes performance information.  
Developing the borough How we are transforming Redcar & Cleveland  
Local Plan Our Local Plan & Supporting Documents showing the borough's approach to development  
Strategies developed in partnership with other authorities    
Directorate Performance Reports Council Performance  
Inspection reports Peer Review from the Local Government Association and covering Cabinet report can be located in the 31/01/2023 Cabinet Papers on page 69  
Neighbourhood Planning Neighbourhood Planning gives local community the opportunity to create their own plans, shaping the future of their areas  
Statistical information produced in accordance with Council and departmental requirements Indices of Deprivation  
Impact assessments Produced for all Cabinet reports, impact assessments are held within the Democratic Services Section, Redcar & Cleveland Heart, Redcar, TS10 1TD Please contact 01642 774 774
Care Quality Commission The independent regulator of health and social care in England  
Annual Review of Key Priorities and Performance Contained within Our Plan  
Annual Performance Assessment Report - Assessment of Services for Children and Young People in Redcar and Cleveland Ofsted Reports for Redcar and Cleveland Borough  

How we make decisions

Timetables of council meetings Details of all meetings on the committee diary  
Agendas, officers, reports, background papers, minutes, etc Cabinet and committee papers for Cabinet, Council, Overview and Scrutiny, Governance Committee  
Major policy proposals and decisions The Borough Council are responsible for creating the budget and policy framework and for making any decisions which change this framework. Details of their decision making are recorded in minutes of their meetings.  
The Forward Plan Details of all of the planned key decisions to be taken by the authority in the near future  
Decision Making and Delegated Decisions An overview of how decisions are made and the criteria for decision making.  
Public consultations Access to the Consultation database which allows for a search of all consultations that are planned, in progress or have taken place. Access to the public consultation portal.  
Redcar and Cleveland Local Access Forum The purpose of the Forum is to advise the authority on the improvement of public access to land in the Borough (such as public rights of way and green spaces) for the purposes of open-air recreation and enjoyment of the area.  
Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Communications and Engagement Strategy - Link to Middlesbrough Council as Redcar Borough Council has joined with Middlesbrough Borough Council to form the South Tees Joint Health and Wellbeing Board.
Regulatory Committee information and agendas Planning and Licensing committee information and the agendas of forthcoming meetings   
Petitions Protocol How to make a petition to the council to influence decision making can be located within the Council's constitution  

Our policies and procedures

Policies and procedures for conducting council business Find information and view our key documents of the council such as our strategies, plans and constitution.  
Pay Policy Statement    
Equality and Diversity Information Find information about our equality policy, gender pay gap and objectives.  
Our Services Search for the services you require and policy information. If you cannot find the information you are looking for please contact 01642 774 774.  
Housing Allocation Developed as a joint venture with Beyond Housing  
Food Safety Food Safety and Food Standards Enforcement  
Environmental Environmental Policies and Strategy  
Records management and personal data policies Data protection and freedom of information  
Taxi Licensing Pubic Registers • Register of hackney carriage vehicles in accordance with sections 41 & 42 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847

• Register of private hire drivers in accordance with section 51(3) of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976

• Limited register of private hire vehicles (no statutory requirement) 
School Admissions    
Bus Passes Bus Pass scheme and how to apply  
Children in our care    
Carers Strategy ​​​​Support For Carers page on website  
Dunsdale Tip Information about Dunsdale tip and how to book a visit  
Home to School Transport Service Information about Home to School Transport in Redcar and Cleveland  
South Tees Local Safeguarding Children Business Plan Info in the South Tees Safeguarding Childrens Partnership Homepage | South Tees Safeguarding Children Partnership (STSCP)
Direct Payments for Social Care Services    
Social Care Revenue Budgets Annual Review of Fees, Charges, Allowances approved by Cabinet Members  
Planning Policy Links to our planning page  
Social Care Services Complaints Procedure - Adult Social Care Information on Complaints, Comments and Compliments relating to Social Care  
Childrens Social Care complaints Information on Complaints procedure for Childrens services  
Corporate Complaints Procedure Information on all other types of Complaints, Comments and Compliments - including how to give online feedback  
South Tees LSCB Safeguarding Children procedures The Tees Safeguarding Children Partnerships bring together people who work with children and their families to ensure that the safety and welfare of children is at the heart of their work.  We lead the work to safeguard children across our regions.

The aim of the Tees Safeguarding Children Partnerships is to make sure those who work with children and their families do it well and keep children safe. The Tees Safeguarding Children Partnership meetings are attended by professionals from the local authority, health services, the police, and relevant partners.
How do I make a complaint against a Councillor? Information and downloadable form on how to complain about a Councillor  
Policies and procedures about the recruitment and employment of staff Information on jobs, apprenticeships, work experience and volunteering opportunities, and details about careers advice  

Lists and registers

Public registers and registers held as public records A list of all public registers available for inspection is not held. Service specific webpages detail which public registers are available and how they can be accessed.   
Council Geographical information Graphical depiction of a large number of council owned assets  
 Establishment Lists for schools  Details of education establishments within the Borough with location and contact details. Schools list on link
Libraries List of Libraries in the Borough  
Museums List of museums in the Borough  
Disclosure logs Disclosure logs of all requests made under the Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations  
Register of councillors' financial and other interests Individual Members' details not published, but existence, purpose and availability is explained  
Register of gifts and hospitality A gifts and hospitality register is maintained within Democratic Services and is available for public inspection at Redcar and Cleveland House during working hours.  
Senior Officers' declaration of interests A Senior Officers' declaration of interests register is maintained within Democratic Services and is available for public inspection at Redcar and Cleveland House during working hours  
Highways, licensing, planning, commons, footpaths The Council maintains a register of local common land and town and village greens in compliance with the requirements of section 3(1) and 3(2) of this Act. Inspection of the registers, for which no charge is made, can be undertaken by prior appointment at the Local Land Charges Registry, which is based at the Redcar & Cleveland House, in Redcar and can be contacted on 01642 444408. The Council will also carry out a search of the register on receipt of CR form 21 in duplicate, A4 plan in duplicate and pre-payment of a fee of £14.00. Email -
Details of referrals to the Treasury Solicitor The Council is required to undertake public health funerals for those who have died with no known next of kin. Where there is an Estate of more than £500, details must be sent to the Treasury Solicitor who then publishes this information on their website. With regards to any case pending referral, the deceased personal details will not be disclosed as up to the point of referral this information may change if a next of kin is located. Details of any referrals are available on the treasury website at; Details of all public health funerals undertaken by the Council can be found on our Public Health Funerals website page     
List of adopted streets Available for viewing at Redcar & Cleveland House, Redcar during work hours. A charge is made for an extract which shows the limits of the adopted highway (£30), a section 38 agreement (£36) and marking up of a provided plan (£7). A fee is charged for a copy extract of the Definitive Map (£30), Nearby Road Schemes (£18 residential, £30 others), traffic schemes (£18 residential, £30 others), road proposals by other bodies (£18 residential, £30 others) and other queries not covered by the above but at the discretion of the Responsible Office (no more than £30). Please contact 01642 774 774
Statutory Notices    
Voting and Elections Information on registering to vote and access to the Electoral Register. The Full version can be viewed at the Redcar & Cleveland Leisure and Community Heart, Ridley Street in Redcar during Office Hours. Contact email -
Contracts Register Details of the Councils current contracts including those to the voluntary community and social enterprise sector
Contracts Register

Publication of the Contracts Register forms part of our commitment to being open and transparent with residents. All of the current contracts that the Council has either awarded directly or participates in are published on the NEPO Portal.

The contract register includes details of all contracts, commissioned activity and framework agreements. As new contracts are awarded the contracts register is updated.

In order to view Redcar & Cleveland Borough Councils current contracts please follow this process:

•Go to the NEPO website

•Click 'NEPO portal login'

•Click on 'Contracts Register' in the top right hand corner

•Click on Redcar & Cleveland on the dropdown list under Organisations

•Click on the green Update button. This will display all of the current contracts the Council has in place and those that have recently ended
CCTV Code of practice Information about how we process personal information from CCTV cameras  
CCTV Details of the locations of overt CCTV surveillance cameras operated by or on behalf of the council.
(Double click on document icon to open)
Business Rates Quarterly Information Information relating to Business rates will be provided at quarterly intervals  
Business rates credit information A list of NNDR accounts in credit had previously published. In light of the decision (Jan 2018) made by the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) we will no longer be making this information available to the public.  
Penalty Charge Notice Information Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) information since 2014
This information includes the date, time, location and contravention for each PCN

PCN Contraventions and Charges
Conservation Areas The location of conservation areas within the Redcar and Cleveland Planning Authority boundary.  
Traffic Accident Statistics A charge will be made of £100 per area requested. The Council will endeavour to provide the information, in an electronic format, within 15 working days. Please contact Julie Crook for further information at the email address  

The services we offer

A-Z of Council Services Search for the service information you require. If you cannot find the information you are looking for please contact 01642 774 774.  
Adoption Now Adoption Tees Valley  
Adult Learning Service    
The Blue Badge Scheme    
Care at home    
Pupil Inclusion Services  Information on Pupil Inclusion Services can be obtained from the Pupil Inclusion Officers who are based at Gilbrook Academy. They can be contacted on 01642 374794  
School Exclusion Service Information on School Exclusion Services is obtainable from the Exclusions Officer who is based at Seafield House, Redcar and can be contacted on 01642 444109  
Adult Social care Also known as Social Services. Here you will find a variety of resources and support for Adult Social Care.  
Licensing and permits Details on Licensing Policy  
Services for local businesses Links to business support services  
Trading Standards Information about trading standards services in Redcar and Cleveland  
Health, safety and welfare in the workplace    
Bins and Waste Services Bins, bulky waste collections, re-use and recycling centres, fly-tipping, business, trade and commercial waste, how to reduce waste and re-use.  
Planning Services Information about planning and building control services offered by the council  
Pest Control and Wasp Nest Removal Information about the advice and services we offer for pest control  
Public Transport Your journey in Redcar & Cleveland  
Council Tax Information on how to pay your Council Tax, amounts, bands and how to apply for a discount.  
Environmental Services Information on environmental health and protection.  
Things to see and do Leisure activities, Find out about what we have on offer to see and do throughout Redcar and Cleveland  
Information for visitors to the area, leisure information, events, museums, and archive collections Tourist information links. Enjoy Redcar Cleveland. Things to see and do/Whats on.  
Care and Support when you leave hospital On line leaflet - Guide to Care & Support Services when you leave hospital  
The Occupational Therapy Service    
Paying for care and support in Adult Social Care    
Schools and Education Schools and Youth Services  
Services for Children leaving care    
Care Home Accommodation: The Cost to You Guidance leaflet  
Allotments Rental rates  
Council Tax and Housing Benefits    
Collection of bulky household waste    
Parking Parking and on street car parks  
Births, Death and Marriages Births, Death and Marrigage information. Contains Registrars Certificate - Fees  
Library Fees and charges    
Land Charges Land Charges search fees: Copy extract of the adopted streets record showing the limits of the adopted highway is £25.  
Hire of library premises Lecture and meeting room hire charges  
Roads and Parking Roadworks, Blue Badge Scheme, Car Parks, Residential Parking Zones, Bus Passes, Highway notices, Safer Streets Scheme  
Inspection of the list of adopted streets is free as per legislation as is inspection of the Councils Definitive Map. Other charges are as listed. Available for viewing at Redcar and Cleveland House, Redcar during work hours. A charge is made for an extract which shows the limits of the adopted highway (£25), a section 38 agreement (£35) and marking up of a provided plan (£5). A fee is charged for a copy extract of the Definitive Map (£25), Nearby Road Schemes (£15 residential, £25 others), traffic schemes (£15 residential, £25 others), road proposals by other bodies (£15 residential, £25 others) and other queries not covered by the above but at the discretion of the Responsible Office (no more than £25). Please contact 01642 774 774
Money Advice Services Money advice, benefits available and how to make an online payment.  
Latest news Frequently updated information about the Council and the Borough  
Public Toilets A dataset of public toilets within the Borough including location, postcode, co-ordinates, opening and closing times
Walking maps and guides    
How to become a councillor Frequently Asked Questions about how to become a councillor.  
Summary of the functions of the Monitoring Officer Details of the functions of the Council's designated Monitoring Officer are located in the RCBC Constitution document  
Guidance for data subjects Data Subject Access Requests for access to your personal data  
Local Authority Land Land and Building Assets  
Public Rights Of Way The definitive map is the conclusive record of public rights of way in Redcar and Cleveland.  
Maps - Mapping System Geographically maintained or monitored areas in the Borough of Redcar and Cleveland including village green.  
Tide times and beach forecasts You can find out when the next low tide of each day is, plus detailed weather forecasts, on the Met Office website   
Redcar & Cleveland LDF Maps Policy CS10 Steel, Chemical and Port-related Industries
Policy DP8 Heritage Coast
Policy CS23 Green Infrstructure
Policy CS24 Biodiversity and Geological Conservation
Policy CS24 C Wildlife Corridors
Policy DP11 Archaeological Sies
Policy SH9 Amusement Arcade
Policy CS18 Town Centres
Policy CS22 Protecting Landscapes
Policy CS24 Biodiversity LNR
Policy CS24B Biodiversity SNCI
Policy CS24 B Biodiversity SSSI
Policy CS25 A Conservation Areas
CS25 E Historic Landscape
Policy CS9 Protecting Exisiting Employment
Policy DP1 Development Limits
Policy DP9 Conservation Areas
Policy H1 Housing Allocations
Policy IND3 General Industry
Policy L4 Recreational Areas
Policy SH3 Shopping Area
Policy SH8 Late Opening Zone
Policy T15 Pedestrian Route
Policy T16 Proposed Cycle Routes
Policy T9 A Rail Hut
Policy TO5 Cleveland and Teesdale Way
LDF CS9 Protecting Employment Areas
Fees & Charges A list of fees & charges for council services - available from page 70 onwards.