
Use our mapping systems to find information such as nearby schools, libraries, polling stations, customer services points, electoral ward boundaries and electric vehicle charging points.

What information do our maps hold?

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Points

The EV charging map outlines the location of the current EV charging points throughout the borough.

You can visit the EV charging map here.*

*These links will redirect you to our online mapping system.

MyRedcar and Cleveland Map

The MyRedcar and Cleveland Map has an address search function will show your location and include information about your local councillor, MP and when your bins will be collected. 

This map also contains a 'services near me' search which shows various services within two miles of your address including:

  • schools 
  • colleges
  • recycling centres
  • customer service points and more

You can visit the MyRedcar and Cleveland Map here.*

Public Information Map

The Public Information Map is our general public information map and contains information about:

  • cycle routes
  • public rights of way
  • democratic boundary information
  • certain planning constrains such as tree preservation orders. 

This map works in the same way as our MyRedcar Map. Simply enter an address to find information democratic information and the normal bin day. 

You can visit the Public Information Map here.*

Local Plan Map

The Local Plan Map is the Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council Local Plan Policies Map for 2018. The Local Plan​ Policies Map identifies which areas or sites of the borough are subject to policies and proposals contained within the Local Plan.

This map contains a search function that allows users to find out about the policies and proposals in the area. The layers function also allows the specific local plan policies within t​he borough's planning authority area.

You can visit the Local Plan Policies Map here.*

Public Rights of Way Map

The Public Rights of Way (PROW) Map ​contains information about

  • byways
  • bridleways
  • paths that are available to members of the public. 

You can visit the Public Rights of Way Map here. Please select the 'Public Rights of Way' option from the list of the layers on the left hand side of the map*​