Litter bugs and fly-tippers warned that fines have increased. New offence now in force.

Litterers and fly-tippers have been warned that the amount they will be fined if caught dumping rubbish on our streets has increased.

Latest figures show the Council has issued 70 Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) for littering since April (compared to 76 for the whole of 2013/14) and 21 for fly-tipping.

Those caught must also pay more following Government-set increases in fines.

The fine for littering has increased from £150 to £400 and fly-tipping from £400 to £1,000.

Community Enforcement Officers have also issued fines to 12 people for a new offence called Duty of Care. The new charge means householders may still be responsible for their household waste even if they’ve paid a third party to dispose of it – if they have knowingly used a disreputable service. Those who prosecuted under the new Duty of Care offence must pay £600.

Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, Cllr Adam Brook, said: 

“The message is clear. If you commit the crime of littering or fly-tipping you will pay and pay dearly. This crime not only befouls our streets and countryside but may cause pollution, harms our environment and wildlife and costs our law-abiding taxpayers good money to clean up. It will not be tolerated. Our officers will not hesitate to issue the fines and prosecute if necessary.

“The new offence of Duty of Care will be used sparingly but can be a useful tool to prevent people wriggling out taking responsibility for their own waste by knowingly passing on its disposal to disreputable third parties. We all have a duty to dispose of waste responsibly.”

The following advice has been issued to residents to make sure they avoid rogue waste disposal operators:

  • Waste can be disposed of using a licensed ‘waste carrier’ or by contacting the Council to arrange for a collection (please note there is a cost for this service).
  • Make sure your contractor is fully compliant with the law - ask for a copy of their Waste Carriers Licence. Call the Environment Agency helpline on 03708 506506 to check.
  • Ask your contractor where they will take your waste for disposal. Check that the disposal site is licensed at (select the Environmental Permits (Waste Operations) register.
  • When your waste is collected you should receive a ‘waste transfer note’ which you must keep for two years.

Separately from littering and waste fines, a total six people have been issued with dog associated offences (compared to 18 for the whole of the previous year) and 17 with vehicle nuisance breaches (compared to 32 for the whole of 2013/14).

To find out more about the Council’s waste and recycling services go the website and click ‘bins and waste’ on the front page or call 01642 774774.