A residential parking zone is an area of streets, where the parking of motor vehicles is controlled throughout the day for the benefit of residents whose properties have no off-street parking such as a driveway. Most zones are created within town centre areas.
Parking bays are created in the streets, which may only be used by vehicles which have been gained authorisation to park through the Permit System, during the times of operation.
Without these schemes residents are often unable to find parking spaces near to their home during the working day, as spaces are taken by people avoiding the use of pay and display car parks.
When schemes operate?
Most of the schemes operate 8am to 6pm Monday to Saturday unless otherwise advertised. Certain schemes may also operate on a Sunday or Bank Holiday.
Drivers should check the days and times of operation to avoid receiving a parking ticket.
The times and days of operation are shown either on signs located at the boundary points to the zone and or on smaller plates that are erected adjacent to the bays or within the parking areas to indicate that the bays or area are reserved for permit holders only.
There are no guarantees that a parking space will be available within the zone or outside a particular property.
Parking places
During the operational hours the parking bays are reserved for permit holders and authorised vehicles only. Outside of these hours, the parking bays may be used by any driver.
If there are yellow lines within the zone that are in force at different times to the controlled zone, then relevant time plates will indicate the restriction times.
The authorisation to park with a permit does not allow the driver or person given the authorisation to park on yellow lines during the restricted times.
There are a number of resident zones operating in the borough. Separate zones are indicated by different letters of the alphabet.
Permits are only valid for use in the zones for which they have been issued. Before you apply for a permit via the online self-serve permit system you may need to know the zone you are in.
We have ceased issuing paper permits except in specific circumstances.
Residents of properties whose addresses fall within the zone boundary can apply for a 'virtual' permit for a vehicle registered at that address.
Virtual permits must be applied for via the online self-serve permit system where car registration numbers are captured electronically and available on hand-held devices used by our Civil Enforcement Officers.
Where parking spaces allow, businesses and landlords within a zone may also apply for business permits (restrictions apply).
Visitor parking
Residents of properties whose addresses fall within the zone boundary can also apply for visitors to be authorised to park within the zones.
These can include doctors, carers or people carrying out work to the property.
Visitor parking sessions can be requested through the online self-serve permit system.
Residents can apply for visitor parking sessions even if they don't have a car themselves. You can apply for up to two visitor parking permits via the online portal.
Each time a visitor parks you will need to access the online self-serve portal and input their registrations details.
This information will be immediately available on the hand-held devices that Civil Enforcement Officers carry, and your visitor will be authorised to park in the zone.
Visitor parking sessions are intended for short stay use by genuine visitors and not to provide free all-day parking for friends or relatives.
General conditions
Most of the zones in the Borough of Redcar and Cleveland were introduced to deal with the various parking issues in the towns.
The resident permits and visitor parking sessions are therefore issued free of charge.
They must be renewed every 12 months and it is the resident's responsibility to ensure that their permit is valid.
Should a permit holder move from the address or change their vehicle then any existing issued permits must be cancelled, or registrations amended through the online self-serve permit system.
Disabled badge holders are not entitled to park in the zones without also displaying a valid resident or visitor permit or obtaining a valid parking session through online portal.
Applying for a residential parking permit
Residents are able to use our self-service system to apply for a residential parking permit online.
Contact the parking team
Please contact the Parking Office if you require any further information regarding the zones or have any queries regarding permit entitlement.
You can contact the team by telephone on 01642 774774 or by contacting the parking team by email.