Neighbourhood plans
The Localism Act 2011 introduced reforms to the planning system that enables communities through a parish/town council, or by establishment of a neighbourhood forum, to create neighbourhood plans for their area.
Once a neighbourhood plan is adopted, it will become part of the statutory development plan, alongside the local plan, to be used when making decisions on planning applications in the area.
Neighbourhood plans can set policies for the development of land within the designated neighbourhood area. Policies must be in conformity with national planning policies and guidance, and strategic policies in the Redcar & Cleveland local plan, along with all relevant legislation.
Neighbourhood plans must look to enable development and should not be used to attempt to restrict the building of new homes or businesses. Plans will also need to demonstrate involvement of the local community in the evolution of the plan and the plan will be subject to a community referendum.
Neighbourhood planning can also be undertaken through the preparation of a neighbourhood development order or community right to build order. These grant planning permission for specific types of development in a particular area.
Further information
The statement of community involvement sets out more details of the stages of neighbourhood planning and the support you can expect from the council.
Here you can download the Statement of Community Involvement
Useful guidance on neighbourhood planning which is recommended for anyone considering preparing a neighbourhood plan, neighbourhood development order or community right to build order include:
Neighbourhood area and neighbourhood forum application form
These forms can be used to apply to designate a neighbourhood area and to become a neighbourhood forum (where there is no parish or town council). It is advised to speak with us before you submit these forms so that guidance can be given.
Contact details
If you have specific questions about neighbourhood planning in Redcar & Cleveland or are considering preparing a plan, please contact:
Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council
Directorate of Economic Growth, Strategic Planning
Redcar & Cleveland House, Kirkleatham Street
Redcar, TS10 1RT
Telephone: 01287 612356