Everyday litter picking heroes have been publicly thanked by the Mayor of Redcar and Cleveland.
Two reception events were held at the Mayor’s Parlour at Redcar and Cleveland Civic Centre this week for up to 80 litter pickers who go out on the streets in their own time to pick rubbish for no personal reward.
As a thank you for everything they have done for the community and the area, the groups were presented with a banner commissioned by the Council and donated by Graphics Solutions who printed it free of costs. The banner will be displayed in various public spaces across the borough over the course of the next few weeks.

One of the litter pickers being thanked was Steve Grimley, 66, who goes out nearly every day in Guisborough for about four hours on his disability scooter with his two dachshunds, Charlie and Dexter.
Steve explained the dogs sniff out rubbish which may be hidden or out of sight for their owner to collect. Steve uses a large bucket on his scooter for the litter and he even picks up dog mess which people have left in bags and not placed in the bin. He has been known to prune overgrown trees and hedges and move horse mess in the middle of the path or bridleway to grass verges.

He said: “I’m well known in the town. When anybody asks my wife, Linda, about her husband she just says, ‘the litter picking guy with the dachshunds,’ and people know straight away. I’m happy to do this - but it would be much better if people just put their rubbish in the bins provided. Sometimes you find litter just a few yards away from a bin.”
Some families from the borough have also joined in the litter picking efforts, and the children are thoroughly enjoying it.
John, Christine and ten-year-old Jack Williams, from Overfields, have been litter picking for two years and not just in their area. The family helped clear litter in Normanby, Eston and have even travelled all the way to Redcar to help tidy up the paths, sometimes on their own and sometimes with the South Gare Litter Pickers. Christine said they started litter picking after seeing a hedgehog with its head stuck in a plastic cup and she realised they need to do something to help the animals and the environment. Jack said he loves helping out his parents and is as determined as them to tackle fly tipping. John, who works for the Council in the Community Reablement Team said: “It’s a really good social activity and it helps a lot with your mental health.”

Also doing their bit are brothers Freddy aged seven and Jack aged 10 who, together with their mother, are some of the litter pickers looking after Guisborough. For about two years, they have been picking up the litter polluting their area as part of the Guisborough Tidy Up group. This became a regular activity for the family, who never miss the chance to clean up the paths on the way to the shop or during their walks.

The boys’ mother talked about how it all started: “One day, on our way to school, we saw a lot of litter on the path. Lots of rubbish had been blown about by the wind and we decided to get some litter pickers and tidy it up. We really enjoyed doing it, so we agreed to carry on. It’s our way to help our community and a really good example to set for other children.”
For another young litter picker, 11-year-old Joe Cupples, this is his second recognition awarded by the Mayor of Redcar and Cleveland. Last year, Joe was invited to the Mayor’s Parlour for the work he has been doing with the South Gare Litter Pickers and the difference he’s made in his community.

Other people and groups thanked by the Mayor included Ian Cuthbert, George Rawden, Les Holmes and Stuart Vandsande of Redcar East Against Litter (REAL) who explained that they have more than 200 Facebook followers who sometimes take part. The group take a relaxed approach where members can get involved in an occasional, casual way which encourages more participation overall.
Sue Cook and Mary and Ian Sproxton of the Keeping It Clean At Saltburn (KICAS) group said that they have members of all ages taking part on and sometimes even day trippers visiting the town help out.
The Guisborough Tidy Up group was formed three years ago, and has members all across Guisborough.
Addressing the litter pickers, many of them being supported with equipment by the Council, The Mayor, Councillor Neil Bendelow, said: “We had so many people to thank, we had to have two receptions and virtually the whole borough is covered. It is simply fantastic that so many people go out in all weathers. Society would not survive without people like you and I want to thank you all.”
The litter pickers were also thanked by Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, Cllr Adam Brook, who said he enjoyed working with some litter pickers himself recently. He said: “It was great to learn more about the volunteers and the amazing work they do and I look forward to joining them on future days of action. People like this, who give up their own time and give such effort, are the lifeblood of our community and they are all heroes. I’d like to stress that this isn’t about replacing the professional, large-scale waste collection and clearance services the Council provides but rather encouraging, working with and supporting litter pickers and the whole community to keep our beautiful borough looking it’s best. We are all the same team.”