The common terms associated with weighing and weighbridges can be found below.
- Balance: When the weighbridge is unloaded the indication shows zero.
- Gross weight: This is the weight of the vehicle fully laden, and is an indication of the total weight of everything on the bridge.
- GVW: Gross vehicle weight.
- Tare weight: This is the weight of the unladen vehicle, i.e. the weight you will use to calculate the vehicle’s load.
- Net weight: Gross weight less tare weight i.e. the weight of the load.
- Train weight: Similar to gross weight and refers to the all-up weight of an articulated vehicle (tractor and trailer). On weighbridge documentation it will still be referred to as gross weight.
- GTW: Gross train weight.
- Headwork: The part of the machine which incorporates the weight indications.
- Bottom work: The levers and/or load cells below the plate.
- Plate/Platform: The part of the machine on which the load to be weighed is placed.
- Double weighing: The weighing of a load or vehicle in two or more stages, for example, where an articulated vehicle cannot fit onto the plate its weight is calculated from the sum of the front and rear sets of axle weights.
- Axle weighings: The weighing of individual axles or groups of axles to determine the load placed upon them.
- Draw bar unit: A rigid vehicle towing by means of a bar a self-supporting trailer.
- Permitted GVW and Permitted GTW: The legal maximum weight permitted on the road.