We are a litter picking group that clears up litter and rubbish from around South Gare and Redcar, TS10. We work to enable different sections within the community to undertake an environmental positive activity. Clearing an area of litter and rubbish not only improves the habitat for wildlife it also helps and supports people’s mental health and wellbeing.
We have all the equipment needed to clean up an area including trolleys and a trailer to transport any collected litter back to a suitable collection point. Often, we come across larger items of fly-tipped rubbish so those who wish may also have a chance to remove much larger items.

Depending on the area where the activity is to take place and its duration, please keep in mind the availability of toilets and/or the need for refreshments. We have a support vehicle with a simple first aid kit and transport in an emergency but often litter picks will be along footpaths or beaches that cannot be accessed by any vehicle.
To see the many activities we undertake please visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/southgarelitterpickers/ and message us if you are interested in joining.