Volunteering as a school governor
Governors have an important part to play in helping schools to run effectively.
They work strategically as part of a team with the headteacher, school staff and the wider trust to help provide a happy and safe learning environment and excellent education for all children.
Governors come from all sections of the community - parents, school staff, business people, community representatives and the local authority.
You should be committed and interested and prepared to attend regular meetings. Governing board meetings are generally held six times a year and may be combined with school visits focused on school priorities.
You will receive reports from the headteacher and senior leaders and need to be able to question, challenge and support decisions.
This voluntary role can be challenging yet extremely rewarding and is a great way to build on your personal and professional skills.
You will be supported in the role through a programme of training and mentoring, allowing you to use your knowledge and experience to the full extent.
Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council offers training and support to all governors from induction through to chairing the governing board.
Most people can become school governors. You need any special qualifications or professional skills.
However, you must be at least 18 year of age or over. As this position involves working with children and young people you will be asked to complete a disclosure and barring service (DBS) application and declare yourself a suitable candidate by completing a statutory form. You will also be asked to provide references.
The role of the governor
As a governor you will work with the headteacher and other governors to ensure every child has the best possible education.
You will set the school's plans for the future, hold the head teacher to account for the school's performance, as well as oversee financial performance to make sure the school's money is well spent.
Governors also visit the school on planned monitoring or observing visits to ensure they understand the school's strengths and areas for improvement.
The governing board operates a code of conduct which sets an ethos of professionalism and high expectations of governors.
What are we looking for?
We need enthusiastic and committed people from a variety of backgrounds. You do not need leadership or education experience; just a desire to give back to the school and its community and a proactive approach to becoming involved as a member of a team.
Next steps
If you are interested in finding out more take a look at the at role description below or contact the Governance Support Service by emailing: governors@redcar-cleveland.gov.uk