Social media

Information about our social media channels, how to find them and how we manage them.

Our social media channels

We run a number of social media channels designed to get useful information out to residents and to keep them informed about what we are doing throughout the borough. You can find us on social media using the links below:

Acceptable use and house rules

Everyone is welcome to participate in our social media channels and we want to make sure our online community remains a safe and friendly place to be.

With that in mind, we've put together some guidelines for you.

1. All users must comply with the social media platform’s Terms of Use as well as these Terms of Use.

2. You are wholly responsible for any content you post including content that you choose to share.

3. We will remove, in whole or in part, posts which we feel are inappropriate.

4. We will report and remove any social media profiles that are set up using RCBC imagery, including fonts, without permission.

5. We will block and/or report social media users who direct comments/tweets/messages at us which we believe are: Abusive or obscene

  • Graphic, sensitive or offensive imagery
  • Deceptive or misleading
  • In violation of any intellectual property rights
  • In violation of any law or regulation
  • Spam (persistent negative and/or abusive tweeting and/or posting in which the aim is to provoke a response)
  • Comments, tweets, links or other media that have no relevance to post
  • We will ban users when they are abusive, offensive or insult a member of staff or another user on one or more occasions.

To keep our social media channels friendly and welcoming to all, we reserve the right to block or ban a user.