Disagreeing with a decision

If you don't agree with some decisions made by professionals, your child's school, health services or us, you can challenge this

If you can't reach an agreement, they must tell you about the procedures for making a complaint. You can contact SEND Information, Advice and Support Service​ (SENDIASS) for further information.

We have made arrangements for Independent disagreement resolution and mediation services to be available for a quick and informal way of solving disagreements. Information on these services are in the Local Offer

Disagreement resolution service

This is available for all parents/carers of children and young people with SEND and they can help you in three areas:

  • If you disagree with how your child's education, health and care duties are carried out by the school. 
  • If you disagree with your child's SEN provision is provided by the school. 
  • If you disagree with your child's EHC needs assessment, plan, review or reassessment 


This is a voluntary service available to you and your child which you can use if you cannot reach an agreement with us or the clinical commissioning group (CCG) for EHC plans.

It covers disagreements where we decide:

  • Not to carry out an EHC needs assessment or reassessment of your child
  • Not to draw up an EHC plan for your child 
  • Not to amend your child's EHC plan after the annual review or reassessment
  • To cease your child's EHC plan.

If you disagree with how your child’s SEN have been described and/or the SEN provision set out in the plan then we must make mediation available to you.

If you are thinking about appealing to the SEND Tribunal, you will need to contact an independent mediation adviser and we must provide you with contact details.

Further information of disagreement resolution and mediation services is available in the Local Offer and in Chapter 11 of the 0 25 SEND Code of Practice​.

For further information relating to SEND please go to the People's Information Network website.