The current fees and charges related to library services can be found below.
Library Item | Loan Period | Charges |
Books | 4 weeks |
FREE (maximum 10 books) |
Audio Books | 4 weeks |
£1.90 per disc (maximum 5 books) maximum charge £3.80 per book |
Language Courses | 4 weeks |
£1.90 per Course (maximum 1 course) |
Reproduction | Charges |
Printing & Photocopying |
Black & White – A4 15p / A3 30p per side Colour – A4 55p / A3 £1.10 per side |
CV and job application printing is FREE for the first 5 copies 5+ prints will be charged at the above rates |
Laminating |
A4 £1.10 per sheet A3 £2.20 per sheet |
Printing from Microfilm Reader |
A4 55p per side A3 £1.10 per side |
Reservations | Charges |
Books and audio-visual materials | FREE |
Replacements | Charges |
Library Card | £1.65 per card |
Lost or Damaged Stock |
Charge since date of acquisition: 0-6 months – 100% of published price 7-12 months – 75% / 13 months plus – 50% |
Room Hire | Charges |
Per Hour |
Charity / Community - £11 Commercial / Business - £15 |
Per Half Day |
Charity / Community - £33 Commercial / Business - £45 |
Per Day |
Charity / Community - £66.00 Commercial / Business - £90.00 |
Commission on Sales | Charges |
Amateurs | 20% of purchase price |
Professionals | 20% of purchase price |