Warm Spaces

Information about where to find warm spaces and what they are offering is available here.

We understand that many residents may be struggling with the additional cost of heating their homes and keeping warm. We’ve created a map to show where you can access Warm Spaces in the borough, when these are available and what is on offer.

Whilst most spaces are open for all to access, please note:

  • Some spaces are suitable for families and their children only.
  • Spaces may not suitable for use by businesses, unless this is part of a pre-organised event or activity organised in agreement with the space owner/manager (please contact the space to check as this may vary).

Please view the map/list below to find out more information about what is on offer in each of the spaces.

Please note that Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council is not responsible for warm spaces hosted within privately owned venues and/or the health and safety of these sites.