Becoming an adult is time of great change for young people and their families. It can be very exciting, but also quite confusing. There are lots of important decisions that need to be made, things like where to go and what to do after leaving school or college, or where to live?
If you are a young person with special educational needs or a disability, or with emotional or behavioural difficulties, this can be an even more challenging time. You will be thinking about the support that you need to help you live as independently as possible and achieve the things that they want to achieve.
If you are a parent or carer of a young person with a special educational need or disability, this can be a worrying time as you will want to make sure that your child has the support that they need to become a happy, independent adult.
If you are a young carer (a young person who cares for a relative who has an illness or disability), you might be wondering what will happen when you get a job, go into training or go to college or university.
For any young person, parent or carer who is receiving support from either children and families services, health, or education, it is likely that there will also be changes to the way that you are supported, and the workers who support you. This is why it important that we work with you and your family to make this period of change as smooth as possible. We need to make sure that you have access to all of the information that you need to help you to make decisions about the future. We also want to help you to understand about the types of support that might be available when you, or your child turns 18.