Extra care housing

Extra care housing is purpose built, rented apartments and bungalows for people aged 55 years and over, or younger if you have a disability.

Extra care housing enables you to live independently for as long as you can by giving you the security and privacy of your own home, plus a range of facilities on-site, and 24-hour care services available when needed.

Most extra care schemes have a mix of more independent and able residents together with those who are very frail.

Some will be getting a lot of care and support; others will be living fairly independently.

Extra care schemes in Redcar and Cleveland

We have a number of extra care schemes in Redcar and Cleveland:

If you would like to apply for extra care housing and already have a social worker, you can ask them to help you fill in an application form. If you do not have a social care worker, you should contact adult social care on 01642 771500 to ask for your needs to be assessed.

For further information please see our guide to extra care housing:

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