Physical inactivity JSNA

The physical inactivity jsna outlines how we intend to tackle physical inactivity throughout the borough

Physical inactivity is a huge contributor to poor physical and mental health. 

Physical inactivity is becoming a priority for public health services as we are living more sedentary lifestyles.

People are sitting more as we utilise electronic devices and vehicular transport, and the need to be physically active is becoming less required to live our everyday lives.

The benefit of regular physical activity is proven to help prevent and manage non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and several cancers.

It also helps prevent hypertension, maintain healthy body weight, and can improve mental health, quality of life and well-being. So regular physical activity can:

  • Improve muscular and cardiorespiratory fitness.
  • Improve bone and functional health.
  • Reduce the risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, various types of cancer (including breast cancer and colon cancer).
  • Improve mental health and reduce depression.
  • Reduce the risk of falls as well as hip or vertebral fractures.
  • Help maintain a healthy body weight.

This JSNA outline how we intend to tackle physical inactivity throughout the borough.