Library fees and charges

Information about the fees and charges related to library services

The current fees and charges related to library services can be found below. 

Library Item Loan Period Charges
Books 4 weeks


(maximum 10 books)

Audio Books 4 weeks

£1.90 per disc (maximum 5 books)

maximum charge £3.80 per book

Language Courses 4 weeks

£1.90 per Course 

(maximum 1 course)



Reproduction Charges
Printing & Photocopying

Black & White – A4 15p / A3 30p per side

Colour – A4 55p / A3 £1.10 per side

CV and job application printing is FREE for the first 5 copies

5+ prints will be charged at the above rates 


A4 £1.10 per sheet

A3 £2.20 per sheet 

Printing from Microfilm Reader

A4 55p per side

A3 £1.10 per side



Reservations Charges
Books and audio-visual materials FREE



Replacements Charges
Library Card £1.65 per card
Lost or Damaged Stock

Charge since date of acquisition: 

0-6 months – 100% of published price 

7-12 months – 75% / 13 months plus – 50% 



Room Hire Charges
Per Hour

Charity / Community - £11

Commercial / Business - £15

Per Half Day

Charity / Community - £33

Commercial / Business - £45

Per Day

Charity / Community - £66.00

Commercial / Business - £90.00



Commission on Sales Charges
Amateurs 20% of purchase price
Professionals 20% of purchase price