School admissions procedures

Information about our school admissions arrangements for the school year 2023-2024

To enquire about the application process or the availability​ of places at particular schools please contact the Admissions Team (01642 837740 or 01642 837730 or 01642 837702) or you can e-mail the Admissions Team

​The School Choic​e Adviser can provide independent advice about choosing a school.

School Admission Arrangements and Coordinated Scheme 2025-2026 Consultation

Redcar and Cleveland Admissions arrangement 2025-2026 are now open for consultation for schools for whom the Local Authority is the Admission Authority.

Schools which are either Foundation Maintained or have Academy status will determine their own Admission Arrangements for the Academic year 2025-26.

Admissions arrangements

2023-2024 admissions arrangements

The admissions arrangements for the 2023/24 academic year are available in the document below.

 2024-2025 admissions arrangements

The admissions arrangements for the 2024/5 academic year are available in the document below